ACANA Highest Protein, Grasslands, Grain Free Dry Dog Food, 4.5lb
- ACANA Regionals Grasslands dog food is nutrient-dense and high in protein, nourishing dogs completely with free-run poultry and freshwater fish
- With rich inclusions of quality animal ingredients, ACANA dog food uses meat, organs, cartilage, and bone, delivering the nutrients dogs need naturally
- Our Fresh Regional Ingredients are supplied by people we know and trust, from regional farms, ranches, and waters, and delivered to our kitchen fresh or raw
- Grain-free, with no gluten, potato, or tapioca, common in today’s pet foods, ACANA dog food is crafted from whole, quality animal ingredients for a Biologically Appropriate diet that nourishes dogs according to their natural, biological needs
ACANA Regionals Dry Dog Food, Grasslands, Biologically Appropriate & Grain Free
Deerail –
Great dog food. Aussie pup has been on this since he came to live with me. It doesn’t have fillers so his poos are not giant, which is what I was going for.